Summers Healthcare & Medical Aesthetics
Delivering exceptional services tailored to meet your unique needs.
We offer services to keep you looking fresh, like Botox, Bio Fillers, Micro-Needling, Kybella, and Thread Lifts.
We offer primary healthcare services including management of diabetes, hypertension, thyroid issues, asthma, & high cholesterol.

Helping Achieve
The Best You
Summers Medical Aesthetics is a premier medical aesthetics clinic situated in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin. Conveniently located at the Sola Salons on Highway 20 and I-94, our clinic is led by Dr. Kathleen Summers, a highly dedicated professional committed to delivering exceptional services tailored to meet your unique needs. With a deep understanding that not all aesthetic treatments are suitable for every skin type, we prioritize your well-being by ensuring that you receive personalized care. Dr. Summers takes the time to attentively listen to your goals, providing expert guidance in selecting an individualized care plan that caters specifically to your skin. Trust Summers Medical Aesthetics to help you achieve your desired results with utmost precision and care.
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We make it easy to schedule your treatment at our office. Just visit our booking page below to get started.

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Gregory TomasEmployee
Quisque id ullamcorper turpis, ac suscipit libero. Sed hendrerit rhoncus viverra. Ut id nisl purus. Suspendisse non rhoncus elit. Donec sit amet augue urna. Curabitur eu quam eu ipsum interdum mollis vel in metus. Pellentesque mollis porta augue condimentum aliquam. Cras id purus tortor.
Donald FossEmployee
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Olivia GreenClient
Explore Our Services
Welcome to Summers Medical Aesthetics!

My name is Doctor Kathleen Summers. I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you about myself and how I ended up starting my own healthcare / medical aesthetics clinic.
Working as a medical provider is my second career; however, I started working in healthcare as a physical therapist assistant in 2001. As a physical therapist assistant, I became adept at working with patients with pain and musculoskeletal issues. I developed an understanding of how the muscles work in our body and what happens when something affects our muscle function.
I became interested in switching to a career as a nurse practitioner after working with a nurse practitioner in a pain clinic. This nurse practitioner was excellent but lacked some insight into muscle function and how it affects the whole body. And I lacked her insight on how medications can affect the body. I thought I might be able to help my patients more by going back to school to become a nurse practitioner and utilize my hybrid background of knowledge of medicine and muscle function.
And so I did.
I graduated from Marquette as an adult primary care nurse practitioner in 2020 and have been treating patients since 2021. I could have stopped there but continued on and graduated with my Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from Marquette University in 2023.
My husband has accused me of never being done learning or going to school and he is right. I believe that If you ever meet a medical provider who thinks they know it all and are done learning, you should walk away. I am the first to admit that I do not know it all, but I am always researching and seeking classes, taking courses, or reviewing guidelines to help my patients and broaden my knowledge. I am not afraid to refer my patients to a specialist if they need more care than I can provide. If I am not comfortable in my skill level to perform a procedure or treat a condition, I won’t do it. It doesn’t help me or my client to do something that might result in a poor outcome.
I also believe that a problem with medical care today is a lack of time scheduled between the patient and their provider. With this in mind, I have opened my clinic the Sola Salon Suite in Mount Pleasant to save costs on rent and front desk staff. Without this overhead, I can afford to see fewer patients than in a typical doctor’s office so I can spend more time with each patient. I also do not believe your health care should be dictated by an insurance company, so I provide services as on a cash basis for my healthcare clients. Your healthcare decisions should be between you and your provider and not by an insurance company that has never met you.
I never actually thought I would be interested in medical aesthetics. I turned 50 last year and had never had aesthetic treatments for myself. I had my own biases related to aesthetic treatment images I saw on social media and with Hollywood celebrities and was honestly put off by a lot of it that made people look fake and overdone or unnatural. However, I ended up taking a Botox certification course that a friend invited me to and realized that aesthetic treatments do not have to be obvious or make the person look fake or unnatural. When used correctly, medical aesthetic treatments can bring out a person’s natural beauty, correct or prevent some signs of aging, and help achieve a refreshed and rejuvenated look. My instructors noted that the best aesthetic practitioners have an artful eye to help see what needs to be done to help a client enhance their natural beauty. I have always been artistic and believe this will show in my aesthetic treatment outcomes. I also believe that my experience with muscle function helps me tremendously when it comes to knowing how to apply aesthetic treatments, as much of what we do with Botox and knowing what areas of the face to avoid comes down to knowing your anatomy and muscle function.
Since that first Botox course, I have been hooked on aesthetics and started taking more and more medical aesthetics courses. I now regret not seeking services for myself years ago but I hope to do what I can to help others feel more like themselves as they age and I started this business.
I hope to see you for your free consultation soon to see what medical aesthetics and I can do for you.
Dr Kathleen Summers